Available, delivery time: 2 Tage
High-quality leather cream in yello with
excellent care and protection features.
Recommended for: smooth leather of all kinds
Features: maintains, impregnated, nourishes, receives the softness and gives brilliance to the leather.
Product: A glass of 50 ml leather creme with metal cover made in Italy. The cream color has a very good coverage. Even with a strong old weathered leather color restoration is achieved. By the composition of beeswax and palm wax (carnauba wax) you have polished off the best weather protection and care as well as a nice shine after.
16 October 2013 14:47
Endlich die farblich passende Schuhcreme!
Endlich habe ich für meine gelben Schuhe die farblich passende Schuhcreme gefunden. Sie läßt sich prima auftragen und nach dem Polieren gibt's einen schönen Glanz. Man kann nun unbesorgt Schuhe in allen Farben kaufen bei dieser großen Farbpalette!